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The German word "Universal" has its roots in Latin, dating back to the 12th century. Derived from the term "universalis", meaning "general" or "common to all", it embodies a sense of broadness and comprehensiveness. In modern German, the term "Universal" is characterized by its versatility and adaptability, encompassing a wide range of meanings and applications. From a linguistic perspective, "Universal" can refer to a word, phrase, or expression that is used worldwide or has a universal significance. In literature, the term "Universalpoesie" (Universal Poetry) describes a type of poetry that transcends national borders and linguistics, expressing universal human emotions and experiences. In philosophy, the concept of "Universal" is often linked to the notion of "thesis" or "general truth", emphasizing the idea that some principles, values, or knowledge are universally applicable and valid. This perspective is closely related to the concept of "universal values", which are considered to be fundamental and unaffected by cultural or societal differences. Furthermore, the term "Universal" plays a crucial role in various scientific disciplines, such as physics, sociology, and psychology. In physics, "Universal" may refer to fundamental forces, laws, or constants that apply universally to the universe. In sociology, the concept of "universal values" describes societal norms and beliefs that are shared by all members of a particular group or society. In summary, the German word "Universal" is a multifaceted term that embodies various meanings and connotations depending on the context in which it is used. Whether referring to language, literature, philosophy, science, or society, the concept of "Universal" emphasizes the idea of broadness, comprehensiveness, and applicability to all.